Time tracking for hourly employees

Let your timesheets take care of themselves so that you can focus on other things.

Suppose you needed to know how many hours each of your employees worked last week and exactly how much their take-home pay was. Would you be able to find that information without thumbing through a bunch of handwritten timesheets or sitting down at your PC, opening that manually-updated spreadsheet with all the job timesheets?

Talk to one of our team

What about how long they had for lunch? Or how often they stayed late? Or how many hours were worked on a particular work code for a specific job?

It's not so straightforward, having essential information at your fingertips, whenever and wherever you go.

But what if you could?

Imagine being able to whip out your phone and have all that information and more right there in front of you with a couple of taps.

Actually, don't imagine.

Have a look at the solutions from TimeDock, a simple QR code-based clock-in/out solution that simplifies time tracking and reporting. TimeDock is scalable and easy to use, no matter how many or how few employees you have.

Simply print out an employee ID that can be scanned to register the clocking in and out of employees, either on a phone or tablet with the TimeDock mobile app. Or, opt for an easily installed TimeDock time clock for on-site, in a site office, in a vehicle, or anywhere else you can think of.

Every scan is recorded in the cloud and aggregated into your easy-to-use online timesheet platform that presents all the information in an accessible and comprehensible way. Log in from anywhere, any time, for a precise snapshot of all the hours worked across your business and what the labour cost adds up to.

Have multiple projects? Multiple locations? Are people moving from one to another throughout the week or even the day? It's all tagged clearly, so no time is wasted or lost in confusion.

Continuing the old way, with manual-entry time-reporting, exposes your organisation to inconsistencies, inaccuracy, delays in reporting and in the worst-case scenario, deliberate theft of time.

The usual alternative, having a supervisor recording all the hours of all the employees, places unnecessary clerical overhead on them. This often leads to short-cuts and delays in reporting, especially when they're under the pump.

A simple miscommunication can lead to overpaid employees, leading to a genuinely unpleasant conversation -having to ask for that money back. Worse, they could be underpaid, which can end in a huge lump sum of back pay or unknown legal liability.

Whichever way you look at it, accurate time tracking saves you money. And you can win back those evenings that you lost to manually processing all those old timesheets!

Even people who love to work 80-hour weeks don't want that time eaten up by admin – they want to be creating value through strategising, planning, and getting the job done.

And for those striving for that ever-elusive work/life balance... that time can be invested in family, friends, and the downtime that allows you to rest, recharge and bring your A-game to work the next day.

Whatever your business looks like, the TimeDock team will work with you to ensure you have the solution: Reliable, accurate, and comprehensive timesheets.

Get in touch with the team today to see how you can get more control, with less effort.

Start a Free Trial

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

TimeDock transforms time tracking into an intuitive and scalable asset, with realtime timesheets and hours worked.

Have a look at some of our time tracking options:

Time Clocks

TimeDock Cloud Time Clock TimeDock Cloud Time Clock - Blue background
7:00 Last synced 1 minute ago Workshop Device 01 version 2.0.6
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
NFC Key Fob


iPhone X TimeDock app background for iPhone X
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
TimeDock employee ID card badge


Android TimeDock Fire Drill app background for Android
t 01:31s 14 of 42
TimeDock employee ID card badge

Click on the images above to find out more.

Start with a free trial...

Let us help you set up a trial, or jump straight in and configure your own. Simply add some employees, print their QR Code ID cards, download the TimeDock mobile app and start scanning.

Start a Free Trial

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team